Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ok so just FYI to everyone, yesterday was the great 15th of September! or independence day! Here it just means a bunch of parades and noone doing anything but watching the parades of all the high schoolers XD

also just fyi... im dying of heat over here if you all want to know... I have been sweating and dying BUT the great part of this place here where i am writing this great letter is that... there is no such thing as fans!

Ok enough whining! OK SO this week has been awesome because we have been working supr hard to start work in an area called Siboney, where the missionaries havent really visited in a long time and is poor, so the people cant really go to church, BUT they have started being really animated because the Bishop of our ward is setting up an activity of all the families in this area to start selling something called baleads (dilicious...) and we are going to start renting a bus that will be able to bring the 30 or more people to church that live there! The people are working hard and are excited, and the best part is we had a movie night in a families house and we were able to bring 34 people to this house and it was awesome!

The highlight was that on saturday night we met this really receptive guy in the street who showe dup to church on sunday! my companion was so excited during the church he was explainging EVERYTHING to the guy. at the end he gave him a book of mormon to read, and the guy refued! he then told us he still had his form when he served his mission in chili... he was a jerk, but it was great to find him because he just came to our colony and has been trying to find where the church was located here! it was great!

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